Monday, August 4, 2008

Good morning from sleepy Seaside

It's a dewy morning here.

Good night sleeps all around. surprisingly good, in fact, given that
it was darn cold and our tents are not heated. (by the way, a special
thank you to mr michael Ciccarone for so kindly lending his tent, amd
to Mr and Mrs C for letting me come up last Sunday to grab it!)

So....not the best weather for riding, but were forging ahead! Burns,
OR by nightfall!


Mike C. said...

That's my mom and dad you're talking about!!!

Mike C. said...

also, I'm not sure when I created the blog comment log-in "wanker warmer" but I think it's still appropriate.

Amira said...

Oh no! I feel so awful for not packing a thicker sweater (and a tent warmer!) Maybe tonight you will stay at a Comfort Inn?